What is an expert witness? An expert witness is a person who is permitted to testify at a trial because of special knowledge or proficiency in a particular field that is relevant to the case.
When do you need an expert witness? An expert witness is typically required in one of two scenarios. First, when trial is approaching and an expert is required to opine on certain aspects at issue in trial or second, to support litigation efforts prior to trial.
When is the right time to engage an expert witness? We recommend engaging an expert earlier in the process rather than later. Remember the expert is your subject matter guru and, if properly informed, can be of great assistance to counsel during motion practice, discovery and depositions. The less time an expert is provided to procure an Expert Opinion or State Disclosure, the less informed they are in the nuisances of the case and attorney is afforded less opportunity to learn from the expert and advance the case
How can an expert witness benefit the attorney? Attorneys are experts on the law, not real estate or other business subject to litigation. When a client hires a lawyer, most times that lawyer needs to study up and learn the business or industry which is the subject of the law suit. If a subject matter expert is hired early in the process they can be invaluable in explaining the nuisances of the business issues at hand to the attorney. Armed with this knowledge that the attorney might otherwise not have, the attorney can then do a better job representing the interest of their clients earlier in the litigation.
Can expert witnesses work on a national basis or do they need to be local? This depends on the case. If the case calls for a hyper local issue, then a local expert is probably better suited for the matter. However, if the cases is less focused on a hyper local issue, a national expert would suffice. Our experience dictates that the best experts for the case are the ones who understand the relevant legal issues at best, not those physically closest to the real estate.
Adelaido Gonzales is a State Certified Licensed Appraiser with over 45+ years of direct experience in all aspects of commercial, residential, ;and real estate. Generally, Mr. Adelaido Gonzales experience includes, but is not limited to, land and property acquisition, zoning and entitlements, development, general contracting, valuation, acquisitions, debt and equity finance, asset and property management, leasing, sustainability and dispositions.